Workboat Code 3 Training Manual 5th Edition (PREORDER) - Code of Practise Training Manual
To support operators, I.C. Brindle & Co Ltd will be releasing the ‘Workboat Code 3 Training Manual’ - 5th Edition (which supersedes the previous Workboat Code 2 Training Manual - 4th Edition), ensuring you meet the latest standards.
Workboat Code 3 (5th Edition) Applies To:
✔️ Commercial vessels under 24m operating at sea
✔️ Dedicated pilot boats of any size (inland & sea)
✔️ Vessels carrying cargo or up to 12 passengers &/or industrial personnel
✔️ UK vessels worldwide & non-UK vessels in UK waters
✔️ Remotely operated unmanned vessels (keels laid after 13 Dec 2023)
As with previous editions, our loose-leaf manual follows Workboat Code 3 requirements, with sections covering the required content. The Code mandates detailed explanations of LSA equipment and procedures, which is now included in the new 5th Edition Workboat Code contents.
To ensure compliance, the final section also lets operators add vessel-specific details, with clear guidance provided. And the loose-leaf format makes it easy for you to update as needed.
Our I.C. Brindle manuals have a proven track record of approval, with no known rejections by Administration surveyors—giving you confidence in compliance.
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