All Fibrelight maritime safety products are manufactured in the UK; they are constructed using carbon fibre (or occasionally fibreglass) rods enclosed in flanged tubular webbing which together create an incredibly strong structure. Fibrelight products such as the Fibrelight MOB Cradle, Mass Recovery Net, Rescue, Recovery and Escape Ladders are used globally by cruise lines, workboats, fishermen, navies, Special Forces, emergency services and the outdoor activity and rescue communities.
Fibrelight Rod Stretcher Floatation Supports x 2£243.00In stock
Fibrelight Rod Stretcher (Black)£1,198.00In stock
Fibrelight Rod Stretcher (Standard)£1,187.00In stock
Fibrelight Ladder Ballast Rungs£39.00In stock
Fibrelight Cradle Floats (Set of 5)£65.00In stock